Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Luvin' on Baby McKenna

The boys absolutely love their new cousin McKenna and it has surprised me how sweet and gentle they are with her. Michael in particular loves to hold her and he uses a cute high voice and says "Baby McKenna is so cute and littllllle!"
He loves her fingers...

and her sweet cheeks...

and everything about her!

Jacob likes to get in on a little baby worship too!

She gets me close to wanting #3, but it's only a slight whisper at this point. I just know it would be physically impossible for me to be pregnant and work fulltime, so we will definitely be waiting until Mark is done with school and starts working. It will be interesting the next time around, this time we will know exactly what we are getting ourselves into! With Michael it had been 1 1/2 years of trying before I went on the clomid and 4 months later we were pregnant. But I had no idea what pregnancy had in store for me. Then when Michael was only 6 months old we got a big surprise- pregnant with Jacob and no turning back! So whenever it is we will start trying for #3, it will be with mixed anticipation, we will be so excited to have another wonderful spirit fresh from heaven, but oh the 9 months of daily vomiting, 270 straight days of throwing up, even with large doses of glorious prescription Zofran to manage the nausea. And oh the sleepless nights! But heavens, the end product is so worth it! Each stage is a new adventure as they grow, but there is just something special about a new baby, whose spirit is so strong and untainted by the world. So for now, I will be completely content to love on McKenna!


Salinda W. said...

so sweet. whenever you do decide to have another they will be great big brothers to a new addition!

Leah said...

I find pregnancy the strangest thing. Why do we have to be so sick?? I don't think it is fair. I hope whenever you have number 3 it won't be that bad. as for me, I will stop complaining. I guess I have it easy compared to some. Have to admit... with baby number 3 on the way I am a little nervous. fun to catch up with you in the blogging world ;)

Lynette said...

I haven't had internet for awhile, so it was fun catching up on your blog!! I hear ya on the pregnancy thing. I too throw up for 9 months straight even with the lovely zofran! But, yes, so worth it!!!

Megs said...

Are you hoping number 3 will be a girl?

The Muries said...

I know what you mean. Babies are so special. I feel for you with the throwing up, I can't imagine.

Sarah said...

I love babies, and don't think there is much in this world that is more special than a newborn, I just wish the constant sickness some of us have getting them here could go away.

Sydney, Cali & Brynne said...

Those pics are so cute! Little boys can surprise you, and so can big ones! I'm amazed daily at how sweet Jared is with Syd. He's absolutely wrapped around her little finger. He would be perfectly content to have ALL girls! And I understand your feelings on morning sickness! So worth it though, just like you said!

Shari B. said...

I like what I can see of your hair in this picture! Cute look!