Friday, August 7, 2009

Salmonella at Serendipity

Just FYI, my sister and niece have confirmed cases of Salmonella from Serendipity at Caesars Palace. My niece had to be hospitalized for 6 days because she was so ill and it was very scary. My other sister and her daughters also came down ill with similar symptoms (since they all enjoyed the Fried Oreo dessert together), requiring trips to the ER and IV fluids. The health department called them today and want to test them because there is another confirmed case of salmonella tied to Serendipity. So just as a warning, don't go there anytime soon. And to think I was sad that they went without me!


Rachael said...

What a bummer! Glad we went when we did. I know the NYC one was shut down by the health department a few years back...maybe that is their special!

Dizzy Kate said...

That is scary! I hope everyone is better. It is fun catching up on your blog. Your family is so cute. When we went to Tucson in July I couldn't help but think about you guys and the fun times we all had when we were young and carefree. : ) I wouldn't trade my life now for anything, but I also wouldn't trade any of my memories. I hope things are going well for you.

Lynette said...

Yuck! That is so scary!!! Glad you didn't get to go:)

So, we are going to Alamo this weekend...if you guys are up for a road can come play with the horses with us and we could do some pictures! That would be awesome. But, if not this weekend, we'll find a day soon!