Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jacob's Stats

Jacob had his 18 mo well check today (he's 19 months, I'm a bit behind). He came in at 28 1/2 lbs (50-75th percentile) and 36 3/4 inches (100th percentile). It's funny because I love my pediatrician, but everytime I go in and Jacob measures 100th percentile on height, he always asks me the following questions: is your husband tall (no), is Michael tall (yes), is your family tall (I guess), he makes some statement about me being pretty tall and then I tell him that my brother is 6'4" and he nods as if it all makes sense now. These doctors appointments just highlight how quickly time is passing and my little guys are growing. I use to feel like I had two babies, now I have two boys. So here is to Jacob, my little lug, my mountain goat, my suicidal elf. He is not content until he has climbed the highest height in the room and then attempted to jump from it (actually he is into freefalls right now, with full expectation of being caught on his way down, which is not always the case).

Jacob was a fabulous patient today, likely thanks to his many practice sessions with daddy checking his breath sounds. He even had two shots and didn't cry. He scrunched up his face and looked very put out, but still didn't cry. He was very brave.

He likes to get comfortable when he eats.


Amy C. said...

I love your mountain goat!

Melissa B said...

Hard to believe how much kids change in the early years of life. I love the picture of his feet up while he eats. Good thing we aren't all as inhibited as kids are, otherwise there would be a lot of feet on the table!

Jossie said...

It is too weird that he is 19 months old! I remember meeting you when you brought food over to us when we had Tyler and that seems like yesterday! Crazy!

Jenny said...

Well Rachael Howard! It's been YEARS since I've heard from you, how the heck are you? Those are some good looking boys you have. I'm excited that we can keep in touch now.

Lynette said...

Hey Rachel,
I saw your blog on KC's and was so excited!! How are you guys? Your boys are so cute. It's hard to believe that last time we saw you guys, niether of us had kids...alot has happened:)
Lynette Thiriot