Thursday, October 23, 2008


It's nice when you realize that your kids are absorbing some of the things that they hear. Each night before bed we read a verse from the Book of MORMON (note: it must be said with that emphasis and with hands being thrown in the air in a very excited manner). Sometimes all we do is look at the pictures and talk about them. Well this week Michael stood up on top of a box outside and said "Michael teach his people, be kind and RE-PENT!" Apparently the story of King Benjamin was burning brightly in his mind.

He also said this week that his duck was crying because it's daddy when to school. Ouch! It's hard to be almost 3 and not understand why you can't play all day everyday with mommy and daddy.

On a completely different front, does anyone have any ideas on how to get Michael more interested in the toilet? He still only has a mild interest at best at using it. I often have to remind myself that things will come in their own time, I trust that he won't be 16 and still in diapers and only wanting to eat waffles.
Love him to pieces though.


Jossie said...

Oh that is AWESOME! Tyler's getting better at the prayer thing (hearing him say 'bishop' at 'Bit-Up' is SO funny) but we might have to try the scriptures with him.

As far as the potty goes, when Tyler first expressed interest, he got a sticker on a chart each time he sat on it, then it was every time he went (he got two for pooping) and then we kept big boy underwear in his drawer (he got to help pick them out) and told him that he could wear them as soon as he could go pee pee and poopies in the potty. Then, once he wore them one time, he wanted nothing to do with diapers :-) He had several accidents the first few days (has one now and again but rarely) but since then it's been great! I agree with you that you can't push it and it will happen but that helped us :-) Good luck!

Rachael said...

I think when they are ready they will let you know. Brittney Noble was saying she isn't going to try with her boys until they are two.

Rachael said...

Ooops....I meant 4!

Melissa B said...

RE-PENT! - that had me smiling, good to know he is absorbing the lessons!

No advice from this corner on potty training, as neither of mine are...good luck. and if he's 16 and still in diapers, make him change his own!:)

Megs said...

I tried different things with Bree: candy, stickers, a singing potty. Each would get her to use the potty for a while, but then she would back-track. The only thing that converted her completely was sucking up and putting her in underpants. After a few accidents, she got the picture. Bribery is still definitely used!

Dizzy Kate said...

I love that the scriptures are sticking in his mind. What a cute, good boy. My girls have been complete opposites when it comes to potty training. I showed Kendra once and she had one accident. Kessa on the other hand doesn't seem interested at all. So, we'll see how it goes. I would love to hear what works for you.

Judy said...

You are so good to read the scriptures to your kids! I feel like they only get half of what I'm saying when I'm reading to them when the book has pictures. I guess I will RE-PENT. What a cutie. No advice on the potty... I think you have to go with what works for a kid. Sam was very motivated by rewards... Katelyn not so much. So... we'll see how it goes with her.