Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mission Call!

Our oldest nephew received his mission call this week and in August he will be leaving for...

GHANA, AFRICA! Cody is an amazing young man and we have always been impressed by how firm his faith is. He will be leaving in August and will go straight to the MTC in Ghana. We are so proud of him and know he is setting a great example for our boys and everyone in the Howard clan.


Megs said...

Awesome! Chad went to the Ivory Coast, just west of Ghana. Only back then, there was no MTC or temple nearby, so none of his companions were trained/endowed! Chad' says he's going to love Ghana! Advice: he says take pictures of everything (even though the locals will annoy him constantly to take their picture!) Also, take electric hair clippers and adaptor.

Rachael said...

Remember Ben Lassey in our ward-he is from Ghana...I have their email if your nephew is interested!

Cardalls said...

Melissa, I barely know you, but saw your update on Rachael's blog and felt like i should look at your blog for some reason. My parents are currently serving their 3rd mission in Ghana! They just left last week. If your family has any questions feel free to email me and I can get you in touch with them. They would be happy to answer any questions, calm any nerves etc! Ghana is a wonderful place to serve, they people are AMAZING! my email is davencher2000 at

Melissa B said...

Weird, I actually know who Cody is. Every Thursday and Friday I play volleyball at our Stake Center and Cody was there on one of the days a couple of weeks ago. He is a really nice kid, I was very impressed by him (and anyone who comes to play vb with a bunch of Relief Society ladies). Congrats Cody!