Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So as I have mentioned before, my boys seem to have an unhealthy obsession with trains. We put away all the GeoTracks and left out one train each, but then they started fighting over those, so all trains got put away. However, they haven't let that deter them from playing "trains"- here are a few examples...
A bunch of items in a row constitute a train- in this case a chair, pirate ship, and toolbox.
Apparently the attachment hose to the vacuum also makes a good train.
Old boxes are a natural substitute for a train.
An old rollerblade can sub for a train in a pinch.
And of course, an old shoe rack that I was moving out of my closet has all the makings of a train. (If you turn it on it's side, it also double as a bathtub, Michael surprised me with that one).

I have also observed Kleenex boxes and semitrucks being called trains. I've found Jacob pushing a kitchen towel back and forth along the handle to the oven, as well has his blanket back and forth along the crib railing, while making train noises. I suppose I should be grateful for good imaginations!

I do indulge the train obsession by going to the "train park", which is just a little playground in a community at the end of Tropical where it runs into the railroad tracks. There are usually some engines parked there and sometimes a train will go by if we are there at the right time.
A good train sighting soothes his soul!
Michael takes a while to warm up to it, loud noises sometimes bother him.
Can you sense the excitement? Trains!
Michael discussing the tracks.

I guess you can take the trains away from the boy, but you can take the boy away from his trains. He will find them wherever he may be.

As a side note, Jacob had his 2 year well check today and was officially declared a giant. He is 100th percentile for height and healthy as can be.


Rachael said...

Rachel their obsession with trains cracks me up! Neither of my kids have ever had an obsession so it is hilarious to me! I am sure it is NOT funny to you though! I don't know about this park-I will have to check it out!

Sarah said...

They will not be stopped from pursuing their true passions!

Judy said...

Sam had an obsession with trains too. Back when he was an only child we indulged him and took him up to Heber when Thomas the Train came to town and paid a crazy amount of money for a 15 minute train ride.

Your boys are so inventive and resourceful! Very very cute.

Melissa Summers said...

Brandon does the same thing with whatever he can get his hands on. I find things linde up all over the house.

Sydney, Cali & Brynne said...

Great to hear form you! It was so fun to see you guys again! I've posted new pictures from California if you want to check them out. Give us a call if you're ever in town!

Lynette said...

So cute. I love how thier imaginations work! If only we could still be that creative in life:) Let's definetly plan on the following week so the 15th?

Jaime Lynne said...

It is such a small world... you knowing the Wallace's and the DeMarco's separately from us. Aren't they great people?! Fun blog!