Monday, May 18, 2009

Worth every penny...

I walked out yesterday morning and saw this creature struggling for life...

...and I gloried in his destruction. Cockroaches are a disgusting nuisance that is part of living in Las Vegas, even if you keep your home immaculate, you still have neighbors that may not. So everytime I see one of these, it makes me glad to pay the Bug Man, and relish in the fact that this is the end result. Goodbye cockroach, whether your death be slow or quick, I say good riddance!
(Special thanks to Rachael's husband Steve at PreEmpt Pest Control for making this post possible!)


Robin gut my favorite title is Grandma said...

EEEEWWWWWW!!! I hate those things. And I don't really think it matters if your house is clean or dirty - they just are everywhere. I think Heavenly Father could have saved a day if he would have just omitted creating bugs. :0)

Judy said...

I cannot handle bugs. At all. I don't know if I could live somewhere with those things. Just that picture gave me the chills. So I agree with you... that would be worth my money!

The Muries said...

Sick I hate those. We use to have those in Georgia and I was so glad that the mission paid to have all the apartments sprayed.

Rachael said...

It seems like there are a lot of roaches this year. Steve and I were talking about how every year it seems there is a more prominent bug than others...from the calls I am getting it seems like this may be the summer of the ROACH!!! I didn't appreciate the one crawling up Eli's wall today! Time for Steve to pay attention to OUR house as well as everyone else's!
I do love to see them on their backs!

Sarah said...

We have had a lot of roaches. Eric sprayed this weekend, and yesterday I found 3 dead ones in the house! Disgusting.

Salinda W. said...

OOOOH I hate Roaches, Japan has Roaches, nasty big ones! And the scariest moment of my life was when I was washing my hands and I leaned forward to see what was poking out of the drain and it was the antenna of a cockroach! Then it climbed out of my drain and I never felt so sick! IN order to get rid of them here you have to do a Clorox flush in all your drains at the same time, it kills the eggs they lay in your sewer. Gross!

Dial Family said...

Mark and Rachel!! It is so good to see you guys once again!! It has been WAY too long!! How are you doing? Your family has grown since we saw you last!! You oldest was just a baby in arms last we saw you!! SO ADORABLE!!

Steph Kjelstrom said...

I'm so with you!! Roaches give me the beegeebees-I just shudder when I see one. Luckily I've never seen them in CO!

Dizzy Kate said...

That is hilarious! It is also a fact of life when you live in AZ, as I'm sure you know. I CAN'T STAND ROACHES!!!! You are right, it doesn't matter how clean I keep my house, my neighbors leave their dog poop all over the place. So, I find roaches outside. It is disgusting! I love the bug man!!