Monday, September 28, 2009

Family Pictures!!!

So my wonderful friend Lynette was kind enough to take family pictures for us. She had taken some great pics of her kiddos on railroad tracks, and I just knew that we had to do that! After all, my boys are obsessed with trains and it would be so perfect to remember this time period by. I couldn't decide on just a few, so I am posting a bunch:

Isn't Lynette great? You can find her at, I think she does a fabulous job, she has turned her passion into a new business for herself and I think she should charge twice as much as she does!
Anyone have any favorites? I think I need one of everything, but that may be overkill for the living room.


Rachael said...

Love them!!!

Judy said...

I LOVE them, hard to decide on a favorite. But I do like the one on the tracks where you're holding Jacob and Mark is standing by Michael. They all look so great! You look fabulous by the way.

Robin gut my favorite title is Grandma said...

I love these pictures. You guys all look so great - great setting too. Beautiful family!!!

Salinda W. said...

I love your pics, all of them. Your boys are so handsome! You look gorgeous too.

Sarah said...

They are all so great! I can't even choose a favorite.