Blowing out candles!
We were watching some old video with the boys tonight, and it looks like Jacob was about 15 months or so in it. Made me realize how quickly the time is flying by. Here are a few things about Jacob as he rounds the corner and turns 3:
1) He can make his quiet book for church a very NON-quiet toy.
2) He has perfected a grumpy face, but often follows it up with declaring "i'm happy!" and giving a very cheesy smile.
3) He loves loves loves playing in the sandbox with his construction trucks.
4) He asks me to snuggle him every night at bedtime.
5) When I return home from work at the end of the day, he drops everything and runs to me as soon as he sees me, almost knocking me over, gives me a giant hug and says "Mommy!!! I missed you ALL DAY LONG!!!" It's almost worth it to leave just so I can come home to his greeting.
6) At his well check he was 100% for weight and off the charts for height, making our pediatrician once again declare him a giant.
He is a sweet, sweet boy and I feel so blessed that he was sent to our family! Happy Birthday to my giant!
So cute! I can't belive he's already 3!
What an adorable cake. I just love the loader. Where can I get the recipe?
Those cakes are AWESOME!!!!!!
Man Rachel, I know you tagged me and I had every intention of answering all of those questions, but I just can't! I'm blaming it on pregnancy tiredness, but I don't seem to have the brain power to do anything that involves that much thinking. I promise I tried. Maybe after the baby comes. . .
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