Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Let it begin...

So August 29th was the first day of school for Michael, he was excited, but got nervous when he got to his classroom, then got over it pretty quick. He is very motivated to bring home a green card every day which means he had good behavior. He already complains about homework, which isn't a good sign considering he'll be doing it for the next 20 years of his life. Here he is, ready to go... (one finger being for first day of school)...
September 6th marked Jacob's first day of preschool. He longed to go to preschool all last year when we dropped Michael off at Miss Aubrey's. At last it's his turn. So far he has been happy to go, but it makes me laugh that he is literally a head taller than the girls and a good 3-4 inches taller than the boys. I love my blond giant.
And here is me yesterday, 39+ weeks. Thought I should document the belly to some degree. I am really looking forward to not throwing up on a daily basis. I know I will feel tired and miserable in different ways after she comes, but I am so tired of the nausea with the constant tightness in the back of the throat. It's novelty wore off long ago. Here's hoping I only have one more morning of this.
We can't wait to meet her and get on with this next phase!


Robin gut my favorite title is Grandma said...
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Robin gut my favorite title is Grandma said...

Good Luck....I'm excited to see her sweet pink little face. Don't forget PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES!!!!

Rachael said...

I can't wait to see her!!! Hope you meet her today!!!! And your belly is so perfect!!!