Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So when I got back from Utah I decided to put the boys in the same room and make Jacob's room into a play room. Their routines were so out of wack anyhow, seemed like as good a time as any to do it. So far it has been working out quite well and the boys like sharing what was Michael's room together. However, it has forced me to organize all their toys. So Mark took the boys on a field trip Saturday and I stayed home and organized, and this was the result:

Note that this does not include the 5 jets and about 30 construction trucks that are scattered around in the backyard and sandbox. I'm thinking this is a tad excessive. I don't think I've actually bought more than 5 of them, I'm thinking Daddy and Papa are the culprits of this. I've now boxed up about 2/3 of them, organized all their toys and books and games, and they have been playing very well this week since they can actually find toys now.

Does anyone else have an excess problem?


Salinda W. said...

LOL, I have done the same thing SEVERAL times. I am always amazed at how many of the toys I have not bought. Honestly I think we have bought the girls one toy for every birthday and christmas.

Considering then that I have taken bags (many bags) of Barbies, Baby dolls, dress ups, and stuffed animals to the thrift shop I think the Grandparents in my case are very excessive!!! And my girls do the same thing when I clean it all out they have so much fun because they can find toys that they couldn't before.

Jossie said...

That is such a problem at my house! Every time I try to organize them, they just get unorganized in about 10 minutes. So many times I just want to donate everything :-)

Kellie DeMille said...

I have the same problem but the culprit is me. I love buying toys, it's a sickness!

Melissa Summers said...

Oh yes. Plus I have all of Jake's old toys in Brandon's room. It is crazy. He doesn't even play with half of the toys in his room. I hate to get rid of them though.

Robin gut my favorite title is Grandma said...

YES - excessive respiratory books.

Rachael said...

That is funny! A few years ago I put away a bunch of books we had and last week pulled them out. Both Alexis and Eli were in heaven checking out all these "new" books. I have to say we don't have a ton of toys here at our house. Neither Steve or I like to buy them.

Sarah said...

My house is the same. Jackson has sooooo many cars, but he just loves them, so I can't resist buying them.

Brooke Low said...

I have the same problem! Drew is obsessed with his little figurines and they are all over the place. Problem is he has them all memorized and notices when one is missing. This makes it really hard for me to get rid of them.

Dial Family said...

Do barbies count? It's funny how it's the cars for boys and then barbies for girls... what a night and day difference. I tell ya, if we ever get a boy he's gonna wish he were a girl, too many girl toys.. lol