So tonight we celebrated my brother's birthday and made Cafe Rio pork salads in his honor and it turned out just as good as the real thing in my opinion. Click here to make your own:
CAFE RIO RECIPE. I think it would be a fun thing to do for a group dinner, we divided up responsibilities between my mom and my sisters and I, and it made it much easier than trying to make the whole thing alone.

I got tart aluminum tins at he grocery store and I think it makes it feel so much more authentic. Doesn't it look fabulous, and can I say how happy this green shirt makes me? I love it so much, such a happy green!

Halfway through...must keep eating...tastes too good...

My mom made these Nothing Bundt cupcakes with a recipe from the same website and they were very very close to the original, so delicious!

Here is Todd blowing out his candle, and that is Sierra in the background, she is notorious for bunny ears in pictures. The girl can't help herself. We won't complain though, just glad she is now on the mend from her salmonella hospitalization. (Incidentally there are now 6 confirmed salmonella cases from Serendipity- 5 from my family).

We also did water ballons, always a good time!

We loved on Miss McKenna, YUMMY baby, I so need a girl so I can slap big flowers on her head like this, I just love it!

Here is a picture of Hailey and Michael. Hailey is my 10 year old niece. My sister jokes that she went to the wrong family because she looks like she belongs to me, and she and Michael definitely have much more the same build and coloring and facial features than they share with their siblings. I guess the Boston genes are coming through somehow!
So that was our eventful evening! Now off to bed for a busy Sunday tomorrow. We have my nephew's farewell tomorrow at 9am, our good friend's baby blessing at 11am, then lunch with them, and the afternoon at an open house for my nephew. He flies out Thursday for the MTC in Ghana!
Congrats Mark! What an accomplishment. You two have worked very hard to get where you are. Thank you for the link to the Cafe Rio. I am going to try that this week.
Congratulations on finishing school! That is so exciting!! Good luck on your upcoming tests!
I saved that blog site for the Cafe Rio Pork. I can't wait to try it! It seems so much smarter splitting up all the duties. It would be quite overwhelming to do it all alone!
I LOVE that green shirt!
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