I love these things. They are called Passy-Muir speaking valves. It was invented by a man that was ventilator dependent and wanted to be able to speak. It's a very ingenious and simple valve that is placed in line with the trach and ventilator tubing, which allows the air to come in, but as you breath out the valve closes off and forces the air up and over the vocal folds (please don't call them vocal cords, a speech therapy pet peeve) and out your mouth. So this is what makes my job fun. I get to put this on people who are still on a ventilator and give them a voice for the first time in weeks or months. Once they do well with that and are off the ventilator support, then I evaluate the swallow. Once again, they love me because I give them their first ice chip, first drink, first bite of food in several weeks or months. I find since I have stopped doing outpatient work, that I really enjoy the acute care work more, you can see the improvements faster and that can be extremely gratifying. So that is your speech-language pathology lesson for today.
In other news, Mark passed his Certified Respiratory Therapy exam and takes his Registered Respiratory Therapist exam on Friday. He has started applying for jobs and I am hoping it won't take too much longer for him to start working. I am planning on cutting back to two days a week after Christmas, which I realized when I went into Costco yesterday and saw all the Christmas decor up, is just around the corner! Yikes!
1 comment:
How nice for you to be able to cut back to 2 days a week!
As always your job sounds so rewarding!!!
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